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Homemade lip balm & massage bar

A balm is basically made of (bee)wax and oils. Contrary to a cream, which is an emulsion, a balm is only composed of fat material and quite easy to make. It nourishes (and does not moisturize) the skin, and leave a fat protective film on the skin. 

A balm may serve as a support for active ingredients, like essential oil, for local application (unguent; ex: tiger balm). You can also make "massage bars" (1st recipe) and lip balm, in pot or stick (second recipe).

The consistency and hardness of the balm depends on the quantity of wax and solid butters (not obligatory). The quantity of wax varies between 12 to 20%; source).

Why make homemade balm?
Modus operandi
Recipe 1: massage bar
Lip balm: recipe & recycling of an old tube
Where to buy beewax?

Why make homemade balm?

As any homemade product, you know exactly what ingredients are used, which you can choose according to their quality (organic, coldpressed oil...) and properties.

You can recycle your old cosmetics pots/sticks.

Homemade cosmetics are, in my opinion, particularly nice gifts to offer: they are (almost) unique, quality products, and the fact you made them with regards to a particular person increase their value.

Modus operandi

1 - Weigh the wax (I do it direclty in the pan) first ; since it's the ingredient with the highest melting point, put it first in the pan. The last one you'll add will be the most fragile (oil or essential oil).

2 - While it's melting at low heat, weigh the other ingredients. 

3 - If you use a vegetable butter, add it now (when the was has started to melt or has melted already).

Add the vegetable oil; if it's a sensitive oil, you might want to add it off the heat but you'll see that wax hardens very fast. Put it back at the minimum heat until it's melted again if necessary. I recommend to add some vitamin E (antioxydant), especially if you use sensitive oils (0,2 % of the oils).

4 - According to what the balm is meant to, you will add - or not - essential oil, fragrance or aromatic extract. Especially essential oil should be heated (if the wax has hardened too early) as little as possible.

5 - Make sure all the ingredients are perfectly mixed (aromatic extract tends to be...uncooperative) and pour in sticks/pots/moulds. For more information on sticks, see the last recipe below.

Massage bars

Recipe 1: massage bar

- Beewax 12 %
- Olive oil 78 %
- Maïzena 9 % (optional, I added it so the consistency is a bit less greasy).
- Lavandin essential oil 1 %

You have to be very careful when using essential oils; most of them are forbidden for pregnant women and children.

Here I used lavandin which is relaxing, perfect for a massage.

I use a scale with 0,1 g precision; if you just have an electronic kitchen scale, it works too, but you'll have to adapt the recipe and/or make bigger quantities.

Be careful not to make lumps when adding maïzena. Mix carefully. I used a strainer

You can pour in a pot or in a mould (when it's cold, put in the freezer, it's easier to unmold).

Lip balm: recipe & recycling of an old tube

- Beewax 11 %
- Cocoa butter 21 %
- Honey (moisturizing) 11 %
- Olive oil 54 %
- Apricot aromatic extract 3 %

1 - If you reuse an old lip balm tube, make sure to wash it as well as possible. I'm saying "as well" because it's not always possible to disassemble it (I broke two last week...).

2 - Most of those old tubes have a hole you need to fill with scotchtape (the most difficult part, in my opinion...).

3 - Very important information about how to pour the balm in the tube:

- First, the hole you can see on the picture must be at the very bottom of the tube and you MUST NOT touch it until the balm has completely hardened.
- Even with the tape, there is a risk of leakage (yes, I know Start by just pouring a little bit of balm and wait (1-2 minutes) until it has hardened; proceed the same way again until you think it's safe to fill the tube to the top.

NB: you can see on the first picture that the pan I use has a pouring spout. It's really easier to make balm in tube.

4 - As I said, do not try to move the tube up until it's ready. Wait until it's cold and put it in the freezer for at least to hours, or a whole night at room temperature.

Where to buy beewax?

If there is a farmer market or a honey producer in your town you can contact him; he certainly has plenty of it. You can find a list of honey producers in Norway here.
I heard you also might be able to buy it at the pharmacy in Norway.

Otherwise you can find it on the internet. Here are some of the websites I know but if you leave in another country I'm totally sure you can easily find another seller. No need to import from overseas a product you can pretty much find everywhere.



  1. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this recipe! I created my own lip balm and was able to find uniquely shaped containers at I created some really fun balms that my kids love!


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