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Showing posts from June, 2012

"Feast against famine" in Tromsø

Text by Fremtiden i våre hender The first "feast against famine" (Matgildet mot Hungersnød) took place in Oslo last year. This year the event will be organized nationally in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Tromsø, and Stavanger. We make food that would otherwise have been thrown away into tasty food which will become money which will be used towards food for the Sahel area (in West Africa). One billion people today suffer from chronic starvation. At the same time 30 procent of the food produced in the world is thrown away. Domestically in Norway we throw away close to one thousand tons of good food every day. Through the project ”feast against famine” we shine a light on this tragic paradox and try to help solve the problem. In this way we grasp onto two of the largest - and inextricably interwoven - challenges that the world faces today: poverty and environmental destruction. In the week before the event takes place, we will collect perfectly usable food that selected stores o