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Showing posts from September, 2012

Wash your new clothes before wearing them

Not that it makes them more environmental-friendly, not at all, but it's healthier. New clothes contain a lot of chemical, toxic substances. Whether they are pesticides used to grow cotton or  used later as pigments or to give the cloth some properties (make them wrinkle free or prevent mildew during shipping for example), these substances can be responsible for allergies, irritations, nausea. In the worst case it can even affect reproductive systems. This is why you should always wash new clothes, especially children's, underwears and bed sheets. This is also the reason why second hand clothes are definitely safer and cleaner : because they have been washed so many times that chemicals are gone. Definitely a good option, at least for children.  Another one is to buy organic clothes, also because their carbon footprint is far less important than clothes made with conventionnally-grown cotton. I guess I will have to write an entire article about that too. By the way good

Save money, reduce waste, freeze your food

When you live alone, buying food tends to be more expensive - than when you're two or more - because you have to buy smaller format of everything. Not only the price is higher for an equivalent quantity of food but especially it produces more waste. On the other hand, if you buy larger amount, there is a risk that the food will go bad before you have time to eat it. One option is to buy - rather - large amount and to freeze what you're not going to eat right away. I do that especially for grated cheese: I saved 2-3 bags so I can divide my 500 g cheese and can eat it little by little. Same thing with bread, not that I don't know when i'm going to eat it (every morning, toasted) but it would get dry before I even have time to finish the whole loaf. This trick works pretty with anything you need to warm up anyway, and you don't even need to use the micro wave. One onion if often too much for me for one meal (but, hey, you can't buy smaller amou